Appointments at The Knee Surgery Clinic

Standard appointment times are available on Monday, and Wednesday morning.

To arrange an appointment with Dr Vertullo you have the following options:

1. Your GP can make the appointment for you, especially if its urgent.
2. Call: 07 5597 0338
3. Email
4. Fax: 07 5527 9568

For most patients, Dr Vertullo will triage your appointment to facilitate your appointment. This involves completion of a Survey Form, along with other information such as any Radiology reports.

Prior to your Appointment:

~ Complete a Patient Registration Form and return via email, post or bring along to your appointment
~ Obtain a referral letter from GP or other doctor
~ Obtain Medicare details, DVA details, Pension details
~ Obtain Private Hospital Insurance information
~ Obtain copies of results, x-rays, MRI's. CT scans etc and any other relevant information and bring to appointment

Acute Knee Injury Clinic is available every Monday for recent significant knee injuries Please call 07 5597 0338 to arrange

Medicare requires you to obtain a referral from your General Practitioner to see Dr Vertullo.

To make your appointment, download a Patient Registration Form,  fill it in, and return via email, post or bring it with you.

Sending your MRI report via email to us is a fast & efficient way of finding out how urgent your knee injury really is.

We recognise that your time is valuable, and we make every effort to run on time. Occasionally emergencies or patients require a little more time, and these cause scheduling delays beyond our control. We apologise if we keep you waiting.

If you need to cancel an appointment, telephone the office during business hours and allow at least 1 day notice so that we can offer your appointment time to patients on our waiting list.

You will receive a SMS confirmation message prior to attending. Please respond as required.